Andrew Trask to Moderate Panel on “Clerking at the Federal Circuit”

May 2024

On May 16, partner Andrew Trask will moderate the panel “Clerking at the Federal Circuit: A Conversation with Recent Federal Circuit Law Clerks” hosted by the Federal Circuit Bar Association and The Appellate Project.  The panelists, all of whom recently served as law clerks at the Federal Circuit, will discuss the nature of the clerkship role and how the experience has been useful in private practice.  The event is intended for junior lawyers and law students who may be considering applying to clerk.

Andrew Trask litigates disputes involving intellectual property, competition, and technology. He has represented clients in the U.S. district courts, on appeal, in inter partes review proceedings, and in commercial arbitrations. He is a member of Federal Circuit Bar Association’s Board of Directors and an Adjunct Law Professor at George Mason School of Law.

Register for the panel here.

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